About the Rant

The Danny Mac Rant is two hours of rants, raves, and rock 'n' roll! It's a mix of talk, humor, and great music, heavier emphasis on the talk side of things. That being said, it's not for everyone; it's not all talk, it's not all music, and it's not always funny! Sometimes things can get very controversial. I pull no punches. I shoot from the hip, and it's all from the heart.

Tune into the Danny Mac Rant live Tuesdays at 4pm Pacific/6pm Central/7pm Eastern on Max Radio http://maxradio.ca and Radio Free Dishnuts http://www.dishnuts.net! We are also broadcast live on Radio Experience http://radiotunes.tk .

Join us on the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and get interactive! We are on the following servers during the show:

Server: irc.dishnuts.net
Channel: #skyscanner

Server: irc.lg73.ca
Channel: #lg73max

Server: irc.sandranet.com
Channel: #radiodj

If you don't have an irc client, you can still join us via the java chats at:

